Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Stuffed Chicken with Chow Chow

Stuffed Chicken with Chow Chow

Ryan has a special place in the history of Mariah’s -- he was the first person call me with congratulations in December 2008 after the article was published in the New Haven Register. He began with Mariah’s Hot & Spicy until Mariah’s Hot Hot Hot hit the market; it was love at first taste. Here’s a few of his favorite recipes.  Ryan is a creative cook; you may need to adjust to taste.  (2010)
Thank you Ryan for the love and support!

Boneless chicken filets
Sopressata or pepperoni
Provolone cheese
Mozzarella cheese
Old Bay seasoning
White wine
Sesame seeds
Mariah’s Chow Chow Relish, Hot Hot Hot

Prepare chicken breast; slice open for stuffing.
Stuff with supasada, or pepperoni and provolone cheese and Mariah’s Chow Chow Relish.
Dip in egg wash, then Old Bay seasoning, sauté until cooked.
Toss in some sesame seeds and finish off with white wine just enough to glaze pan.
Serve with long grain rice (and or) a tomato and mozzarella cheese dish with Mariah’s Chow Chow Relish, Hot Hot Hot on the side.

Relish what you eat!

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